What are the details that I can correct through the Correction Window?

  1. Overview
  2. AISSEE (Sainik)
  3. Online Registration
  4. What are the details that I can correct through the Correction Window?

You can change any of the details that was earlier filled in in the exam form through the Correction Window at https://aissee.nta.nic.in.during the period, You can also upload the correct document/s through the correction window, in case there was an error in the documents you had earlier uploaded. No correction can be carried out either through email or fax or letter. Please read the Information Bulletin and check the NTA website for updates.  

The AISSEE 2023 Correction Window allows candidates to correct any details in their application form. The details that can be corrected include Name, Date of birth, Gender, Category, School, Exam, Medium, Exam city.

  • The Correction Window is open until December 11. Candidates can also upload correct documents through the Correction Window.

To make corrections, candidates can: 

  1. Visit the official website at aissee.nta.nic.in
  2. Click on the "Application Correction" option on the home page
  3. Log in using the required credentials and open the application form
  4. Make the required changes and save the application form

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