Correct Spelling

Correct spelling is an essential part of effective communication in any language. A misspelled word can change the meaning of a sentence, making it difficult to understand and confusing for the reader. Spelling errors can also lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and even embarrassment in both personal and professional settings. Therefore, it is crucial to master correct spelling skills to improve one's communication skills.

Spelling errors can be caused by various reasons, such as lack of knowledge, carelessness, or even a typing error. However, with practice and dedication, one can improve their spelling skills and avoid these errors.

The first step to improving spelling is to learn the spelling rules and conventions of the language. This includes understanding the different sounds that letters and combinations of letters make, and the spelling patterns for words of various origins.

One effective way to learn spelling rules and conventions is by studying a dictionary. A dictionary provides a comprehensive list of words, their definitions, and their correct spellings. When in doubt about a word's spelling, refer to a dictionary to ensure its accuracy.

Another way to improve spelling is through regular practice. One can practice by writing sentences, paragraphs, or even full-length articles, paying careful attention to spelling errors. Additionally, online resources like spelling games, quizzes, and exercises can be a fun and engaging way to practice and improve spelling skills.

It is also essential to proofread one's writing to catch any spelling errors before sharing it with others. One can use spell-checking software, but it is not always foolproof, and some errors may go unnoticed. Therefore, it is crucial to proofread carefully and thoroughly to ensure that the writing is error-free.


  • Accommodate (not accomodate)
  • Definitely (not definately)
  • Embarrass (not embarass)
  • Occasion (not occassion)
  • Separate (not seperate)
  • Receive (not recieve)
  • Maintenance (not maintainance)
  • Judgment (not judgement)
  • Conscience (not concience)
  • Entrepreneur (not enterpreneur)
  • Reference (not referance)
  • Argument (not arguement)
  • Possession (not posession)
  • Connoisseur (not connaisseur)
  • Mischievous (not mischevious)
  • Appropriate (not appropiate)
  • Dilemma (not dilemna)
  • Liaison (not liason)
  • Irresistible (not irresistable)
  • Exaggerate (not exagerate)
  • Embellish (not embelish)
  • Manoeuvre (not maneuver)
  • Pneumonia (not neumonia)
  • Supersede (not supercede)
  • Rhythm (not rythm)
  • Separate (not seperate)
  • Sincerely (not sincerly)
  • Unnecessary (not unnesessary)
  • Zucchini (not zuccini)
  • Millennium (not millenium)
  • Nauseous (not nauseaus)
  • Obstacle (not obsticle)
  • Paranoia (not paranoïa)
  • Rhinoceros (not rhinocerous)
  • Sacrifice (not sacrafice)
  • Tomatoes (not tomatos)
  • Vacuum (not vaccuum)
  • Accommodation (not accomodation)
  • February (not Febuary)
  • Wednesday (not Wenesday)
  • Colonel (not kernel)
  • Deteriorate (not deterioriate)
  • Maintenance (not maintainance)
  • Phenomenon (not phenomonon)
  • Recurrence (not reccurrence)
  • Supposedly (not supposably)
  • Technician (not technitian)
  • Tragedy (not tradegy)
  • Acknowledge (not acknowlege)
  • Conscientious (not consciencious)
  • Embarrassment (not embarassment)
  • Fluorescent (not florescent)
  • Government (not goverment)
  • Harassment (not harrassment)
  • Independent (not independant)
  • Jeopardize (not jepordize)
  • Knowledgeable (not knowledgable)
  • Mediterranean (not mediteranean)
  • Necessary (not neccesary)
  • Omission (not ommission)
  • Parallel (not paralel)
  • Questionnaire (not questionaire)
  • Restaurant (not restaraunt)
  • Subtle (not suttle)
  • Unforgettable (not unforgatable)
  • Vicious (not visious)
  • Wield (not weild)
  • Xenophobia (not xenophopia)
  • Yacht (not yatch)
  • Zealous (not zealot)
  • Accomplishment (not accompolishment)
  • Broccoli (not brocolli)
  • Definitely (not definatly)
  • Ecstasy (not exstacy)
  • Fuchsia (not fushia)
  • Government (not goverment)
  • Handkerchief (not hankerchief)
  • Intelligence (not inteligence)
  • Juxtapose (not juxtaposition)
  • Kilometer (not kilometre)
  • Liquefy (not liquify)
  • Memento (not momento)
  • Necessarily (not necesarily)
  • Occasionally (not occassionally)
  • Pessimistic (not pessimistic)
  • Quandary (not quandry)
  • Rendezvous (not rendevous)
  • Superfluous (not superfulous)
  • Tragedy (not tragedey)
  • Unanimous (not unanamous)
  • Vengeance (not vengence)
  • Withdrawal (not withdrawl)
  • Xylophone (not zylophone)
  • Yield (not yeild)
  • Zephyr (not zepher)
  • Affect (not effect)
  • Belief (not beleif)
  • Colleague (not collegue)
  • Definitely (not definately)
  • Embarrass (not embarass)
  • Fascinate (not facinate)
  • Gauge (not guage)
  • Hierarchy (not heirarchy)
  • Ignorance (not ignorace)
  • Judgment (not judgement)
  • Knowledge (not knowlege)
  • Liaison (not liason)
  • Mischievous (not mischevious)
  • Necessary (not neccessary)
  • Occasion (not occassion)
  • Parallel (not paralel)
  • Quantity (not quantitiy)
  • Recommend (not recomend)
  • Supersede (not supercede)
  • Temperature (not temperture)
  • Unnecessary (not unneccessary)
  • Vacuum (not vaccum)
  • Weird (not wierd)
  • Xylophone (not zylophone)
  • Yacht (not yatch)
  • Zealot (not zelot)
  • Acquaintance (not aquaintance)
  • Bizarre (not bizzare)
  • Catastrophe (not catasrophe)
  • Dilemma (not dilemna)
  • Embellish (not embelish)
  • February (not Febuary)
  • Guarantee (not guaranty)
  • Harass (not harrass)
  • Independent (not independant)
  • Jealous (not jelous)
  • Knowledgeable (not knowledgable)
  • Liquefy (not liquify)
  • Maintenance (not maintainance)
  • Nausea (not nauseous)
  • Occurrence (not occurence)
  • Privilege (not priviledge)
  • Questionnaire (not questionaire)
  • Receive (not recieve)
  • Separate (not seperate)
  • Tragedy (not tradgedy)
  • Unforgettable (not unforgatable)
  • Vicious (not viscious)
  • Weird (not wierd)
  • Accommodate (not accomodate)
  • Committed (not commited)
  • Diligence (not diligance)
  • Embarrassment (not embarassment)
  • Fascination (not facination)
  • Government (not goverment)
  • Handkerchief (not hankerchief)
  • Intelligence (not inteligence)
  • Juxtaposition (not juxtapose)
  • Kilometer (not kilometre)
  • Luggage (not lugguage)
  • Mischievous (not mischevious)
  • Necessary (not neccessary)
  • Occasion (not occassion)
  • Parallel (not paralell)
  • Quantity (not quantitiy)
  • Recommend (not recomend)
  • Supersede (not supercede)
  • Temperature (not temperture)
  • Unnecessary (not unneccessary)
  • Vacuum (not vaccum)
  • Weird (not wierd)
  • Xenophobia (not xenophopia)
  • Yacht (not yatch)
  • Zealot (not zelot)
  • Aesthetic (not esthetic)
  • Business (not buisness)
  • Calendar (not calender)
  • Definitely (not definatly)
  • Embarrass (not embarass)
  • Fascinate (not facinate)
  • Gauge (not guage)
  • Hierarchy (not heirarchy)
  • Ignorance (not ignorace)
  • Judgment (not judgement)
  • Knowledge (not knowlege)
  • Liaison (not liason)
  • Mischievous (not mischevious)
  • Necessary (not neccessary)
  • Accommodation (not accomodation)
  • Bureaucracy (not beaurocracy)
  • Cemetery (not cemetary)
  • Demeanor (not demenor)
  • Embarrassment (not embarasment)
  • Fluorescent (not florescent)
  • Grammar (not grammer)
  • Hesitant (not hestitant)
  • Independent (not independant)
  • Jeopardize (not jepordize)
  • Knowledgeable (not knowledgable)
  • Lightning (not lightening)
  • Mischievous (not mischevious)
  • Necessary (not neccesary)
  • Occurrence (not occurence)
  • Punctuation (not punctution)
  • Questionnaire (not questionare)
  • Receive (not recieve)
  • Separate (not seperate)
  • Thorough (not thorogh)
  • Unbelievable (not unbeleivable)
  • Vengeance (not vengence)
  • Wavelength (not wave length)
  • Xylophone (not zylophone)
  • Yearly (not yearley)
  • Zucchini (not zuccini)
  • Aggravate (not aggrivate)
  • Belief (not beleif)
  • Caffeine (not caffiene)
  • Definitely (not definately)
  • Embarrass (not embarass)
  • Fascinate (not facinate)
  • Gauge (not guage)
  • Hierarchy (not heirarchy)
  • Ignorance (not ignorace)
  • Judiciary (not judical)
  • Knowledge (not knowlege)
  • Leisure (not leasure)
  • Mischief (not mischeif)
  • Necessary (not neccessary)
  • Omission (not ommission)
  • Parallel (not paralel)
  • Quantity (not quantitiy)
  • Recommend (not recomend)
  • Supersede (not supercede)
  • Temperature (not temperture)
  • Unnecessary (not unneccessary)
  • Vacuum (not vaccum)
  • Withdrawal (not withdrawl)
  • Xylograph (not zylograph)
  • Yesteryear (not yester-year)
  • Zestful (not zestfull)
  • A cappella (not acapella)
  • Bouquet (not boquet)
  • Carbohydrate (not carbohidrate)
  • Diarrhea (not diarhea)
  • Embellish (not embelish)
  • Fluently (not fluently)
  • Guarantee (not guaranty)
  • Hierarchy (not heirarchy)
  • Independence (not independance)
  • Jewellery (not jewelry)
  • Kilometre (not kilometer)
  • Lightning (not lightening)
  • Mischievous (not mischevious)
  • Neighbour (not neighbor)
  • Occasion (not occassion)
  • Perceive (not percieve)
  • Quandary (not quandry)
  • Receive (not recieve)
  • Seize (not sieze)
  • Tomorrow (not tommorow)
  • Unbelievable (not unbeleivable)
  • Vicious (not viscious)
  • Wholly (not wholely)
  • Xerography (not xerograph)
  • Yesterday (not yesteray)
  • Zebra (not zebre)


  1. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a place where dead people are buried?
    a) Cemetary
    b) Semetary
    c) Cemetery
    d) Semmetry
    Answer: c) Cemetery
  2. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a group of musicians singing without instrumental accompaniment?
    a) A capella
    b) Acapella
    c) A cappella
    d) Acappella
    Answer: c) A cappella
  3. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a vegetable with green skin and white flesh?
    a) Zuccini
    b) Zucchini
    c) Zuccini
    d) Zucini
    Answer: b) Zucchini
  4. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a thin, cylindrical musical instrument made of wood or metal?
    a) Xylofon
    b) Zilofone
    c) Xilofon
    d) Xylophone
    Answer: d) Xylophone
  5. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a feeling of intense anger or resentment?
    a) Vengence
    b) Vengeance
    c) Venjence
    d) Vengance
    Answer: b) Vengeance
  6. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a group of people who work for a government or other large organization?
    a) Burocracy
    b) Bureaucracy
    c) Bureucracy
    d) Buracracy
    Answer: b) Bureaucracy
  7. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a substance found in coffee, tea, and chocolate that can keep you awake?
    a) Caffiene
    b) Caffiene
    c) Caffeine
    d) Caffienee
    Answer: c) Caffeine
  8. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a small, elongated vegetable with green leaves and a white bulb?
    a) Shallot
    b) Shalot
    c) Shalott
    d) Shallott
    Answer: a) Shallot
  9. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a word or phrase used to connect parts of a sentence?
    a) Conjunction
    b) Conjuction
    c) Conjuncktion
    d) Conjunktion
    Answer: a) Conjunction
  10. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for the amount of space between two points?
    a) Distance
    b) Distence
    c) Distans
    d) Distense
    Answer: a) Distance



  1. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a piece of land surrounded by water on three sides?
    a) Penensula
    b) Penninsula
    c) Peninsulla
    d) Peninsula
    Answer: d) Peninsula
  2. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a state of confusion or disorientation?
    a) Diziness
    b) Dizziness
    c) Dizyness
    d) Dizzyness
    Answer: b) Dizziness
  3. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a large group of people traveling together on a long journey?
    a) Caravan
    b) Karavan
    c) Carvan
    d) Karvan
    Answer: a) Caravan
  4. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a state of being completely empty or devoid of something?
    a) Vacancy
    b) Vacency
    c) Vacancey
    d) Vacencey
    Answer: a) Vacancy
  5. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a large, flat-bottomed boat used for carrying goods on rivers or canals?
    a) Barge
    b) Barj
    c) Bargee
    d) Bargey
    Answer: a) Barge
  6. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a small, flat, circular object used for playing games or as a form of currency?
    a) Coin
    b) Coyne
    c) Coyn
    d) Coyne
    Answer: a) Coin
  7. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a small, sticky substance secreted by bees and used as a sweetener?
    a) Honey
    b) Honney
    c) Hony
    d) Honie
    Answer: a) Honey
  8. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by tectonic movements?
    a) Earthquake
    b) Earthquack
    c) Earthquak
    d) Earthquacke
    Answer: a) Earthquake
  9. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a person who works on a ship or boat?
    a) Seaman
    b) Seamman
    c) Seamen
    d) Seamenn
    Answer: a) Seaman
  10. Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word for a type of stone used for building or construction?
    a) Granite
    b) Granit
    c) Granitte
    d) Granitt
    Answer: a) Granite



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